Srinivasa and Narottama

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Narottama, Srinivasa, and Shymananda

Srinivasa and Narottama

Srinivasa Acarya, an avatar invested with the energy and loving emotions of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and Narottama Dasa Thakura, an avatar invested with the energy and loving emotions of Sri Nityananda Prabhu, had already reached Vrindavana. Now Duhkhi Krishna Dasa had also reached there to join them. Following Jiva Gosvami, these three great personalities in the garb of students gathered to study the devotional books written by the Gaudiya Vaisnava Gosvamis.

Jiva gave titles to his three most prominent students. He added the name Acarya to Srinivasa, the title Thakura to Narottama and Pandita to Duhkhi Krishna Das. We’ll see later how the latter came to be known as Syamananda.


This is a section of the book “Syamananda, the Joy of Radharani (English)”.

To buy the complete book, click above

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