Govinda Das Kaviraj has written this song “Sundari Turitahim Karaha Payana”.This song is taken from the book Padavali. Govinda Das Kaviraj sings this song while offering arati to Srimati Radharani and Lord Krishna, who are eternally youthful.
sundari turitahim karaha payana
sabahu tiratha-phala swami su-mańgala
bhanuka kunde sinana
aichana bacana ahala yaba so sakhi
guru-jane anumati magi
bahu upahara su-kapura candana
le-ola bhanuka lagi
sabahu sakhi meli de-i hulahuli
calatahim panthaka majha
so bara sundari kari patha caturi
milayala nagara-raja
ra-ika badana canda heri madhaba
purala saba abhilasa
duhu darasane duhu arati naba naba
katahim gobinda-dasa
(Refrain) “O beautiful girl, please quickly depart. You should bathe at most auspicious Bhanu-kunda, which grants the results of visiting all holy places.”
(1) When a friend had spoken these words, that gopi asked permission from her elders. Taking sandal paste, camphor, and many other things, She left for Bhanu-kunda.
(2) When She met her gopi-friends there was a great uproar of joyful greetings. Together, the gopis walked on the path. Walking, that wise gopi met Krsna, the king of playful heroes.
(3) Gazing at Sri Radha’s moonlike face, Lord Krsna felt all His desires were fulfilled. Gazing at Sri Sri Radha and Krsna, who are youthful eternally, and offering arati to Them, Govindadasa sings this song.
# Song
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