Syamananda Sataka (verses 1-5)
These 101 slokas in honor of Syamananda Prabhu were written by Sri Rasikananda.
sandrananda-nidhih prasada-
jaladhis trailokya-sobha-nidhih
nidhih saubhagya-lakshmi-nidhih
drava-nidhih karunya-lila-nidhih
vijayate madhurya-sampan-nidhih
Glory to Sri Syamananda, who is
- an ocean of transcendental bliss,
- an ocean of mercy,
- an ocean of glory that fills the three worlds,
- an eternal nectar ocean of spiritual love,
- an ocean of glorious good fortune,
- a great ocean of splendor,
- an ocean of gracefulness,
- an ocean of the pastimes of compassion,
- an ocean of artistic skill, and
- an ocean of sweetness.
yam loka bhuvi kirtayanti
hridayanandasya sishyam priyam
sakshac chri-subalasya yam
bhagavatah preshthanusishyam tatha
sa sriman rasikendra-mastaka-
manis citte mamahar-nisam
rucim sampadayan bhasatam
May Sri Syamananda, whom the people of this world praise as the dear disciple of Hridayananda and the dearest grand disciple of Bhagavan Sri Subala, and who is the crest jewel in the crowns of the kings of the rasikas, and who pleases Srimati Radharani’s playful friends, day and night be gloriously manifest in my heart.
syamenaiva rasena yas
tri-jagatim anandayaty ullasan
syamananda itirayanti kavayo
yam karshna-rajam bhuvi
tam vande jagatam gurum sa-
karunam sri-durika-nandanam
I offer my repsectful obeisances to the great devotee who, because he delights[1] the three worlds with the dark nectar of Lord Krishna[2], the poets call Syama-nanda. He is the king of the devotees of Lord Krishna. He reveals the secret truths of the beautiful gopis dear to Vraja’s handsome prince. He is the son of Sri Durika Devi and the merciful spiritual master of all the worlds.
atha asirvada-rupe mangalacaranam
cetas ced virala-pracara-
kamo marganaya vina yadi
sukhad bhavakhya-cintamanau
ced raganuga-bhakti-sampadi
rucih sarvatma-bhavat tada
imam nityam bhajadhvam janah
This is an auspicious introduction in the form of a blessing.
O people, if your hearts yearn to taste the rare sweet nectar of love for Lord Krishna, if you wish, without the trouble of great searching, to find the cintamani[3] jewel of ecstatic love for Lord Krishna, and if you are attracted to the great treasure of spontaneous love for Lord Krishna, then with all your heart please always worship the kalpavriksa[4] that bears the name Sri Syamananda.
atha sandrananda-nidhih
yasya sri-caranaravinda-
snigdheyam dharani vibhati
nitaram karshnaih stritah sarvatah
tam karshnim pranato ‘smi krishna-
rasadam cit-saukhya-sandrakritim
syamanandam amanda-lila-
paramanandam surendrarcitam
I offer my respectful obeisances to Krishnananda’s son, Sri Syamananda. He is a great devotee of Lord Krishna. To this world he gives the nectar of Lord Krishna. His form is filled with spiritual bliss. He is delighted by hearing Lord Krishna’s glorious pastimes. He is worshiped by the king of the demigods. The touch of his glorious feet brings a great festival of bliss to the affectionate goddess of the earth. By preaching the Lord’s glories he has created devotees of Lord Krishna in every direction.
[1] Ananda.
[2] Syama. Thus Syamananda means both “the joy of Radharani (syamaa)”, and “the joy of Krishna (syama)”.
[3] Cintamani is the name of a wish-fullfilling jewel.
[4] The desire tree.
This is a section of the book “Syamananda, the Joy of Radharani (English)”.
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