Symptoms of a Vaishnava

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Symptoms of a Vaishnava


If the Holy Name comes out of someone’s mouth even once, he is a Vaishnava. In fact, a grihi[1] should strive to respect him.

The symptoms of a superior Vaishnava


That person from whose mouth the constant chanting of Krishna-nama is heard is the greatest of Vaishnavas, he is the abode of all good qualities.

The symptoms of the highest Vaishnava


The highest Vaishnava is one who, just by seeing him, Krishna-bhakti arises in his heart, and immediately Krishna-nama appears in his mouth.

How can Jivas accept Krishna-nama? Please tell me, what provision has been made for them?

Folding his hands, Hari Dasa spoke. With prema feelings[2], his voice was choked and his eyes were filled with tears.


[1] A man who has a griha, a house.

[2] Spiritual love.


This is a section of the book “Harinama Cintamani (English)”.

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