(Srila #Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur, Krishnanagar, March 11, 1918)
Sri Gauracandra tests us in various ways by putting us into difficulties and different kinds of association. It depends on the good fortune of the living entities for them to pass those tests. As the indwelling Supersoul, Sri Gaurahari has revealed the eternal truth in the hearts of the living entities out of His causeless mercy. Those who have taken shelter at the lotus feet of the Lord Hari and the spiritual master never trust the illusory words of misguided people. Only unfortunate people become bewildered by hearing deceitful words. One need not worry about that.
Always read Sri Caitanya Caritamrta and hear its unbiased explanation from Vaisnavas who know its actual meaning. Our only hope is Mahaprabhu’s lotus feet.
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