The Difference Between Primary and Secondary Types of Holy Name

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The difference between primary and secondary types of Holy Name

Mukhya gauna bhede nama dui prakara

Krishna has two different types of Names: primary (mukhya) and secondary (gauna). By taking shelter of the primary Names, the Jiva obtains maximum benefit.

The Names of Krishna which describe His transcendental pastimes are the primary Names. They are the abode of all divine qualities.

Primary Names


Govinda[1], Gopala[2], Rama[3], Nanda-nandana[4], Radhanatha[5], Hari[6], Yasomati-prana-dhana[7], Madana-mohana[8], Syamasundara[9], Madhava[10], Gopinatha[11], Vraja-gopa-rakhala[12] and Yadava[13] – such Names describe eternal pastimes. By performing kirtana of all these Names, the Jiva reaches the abode of Krishna.

Secondary Names and their attributes

Gauna nama o tahara laksana

Those Names in relation to inert matter have worldly qualities and are secondary. This is accepted by the Vedas.

Sristi-karta[14], Paramatma[15], Brahma[16], Sthiti-kara[17], Jagat-samharta[18], Pata[19], Yajnesvara[20], and Hara[21].

The various results from primary and secondary Names

Mukhya o gauna namera phala-bheda

Such Names are found in karma-kanda and jnana-kanda. They produce virtue and liberation. This is the opinion of the Sastras.

The wealth of Krishna-prema is the result of those Names which are primary. Sadhus obtain this treasure only through the primary Names.

The different results of the real Name and the semblance of the Name

Nama o namabhasa-matra phala-bheda

If Krishna-nama comes out of the mouth or enters the ears even once, whether its syllables are pure or impure, that Jiva is liberated. This is the verdict of the Sastras.

But one thing needs to be said about this: for sure, achieving any benefit through namabhasa will be a slow process.

With namabhasa other kinds of auspicious results may come, but the treasure of prema comes only after a long time.

The results of material activities are destroyed by namabhasa and finally the pure Holy Name appears. Then, at that time, the devotee certainly attains Sri Krishna Prema.


[1] The Lord of cows and senses

[2] The Protector of Cows

[3] The source of divine bliss

[4] The Son of Nanda

[5] The Lord of Radha

[6] He who removes obstacles

[7] The treasure of Yasomati’s life

[8] He who baffles Kamadeva

[9] He who is dark and beautiful

[10] The Husband of the Goddess of Fortune

[11] The Lord of the gopis

[12] The Protector of the shepherd children of Vraja

[13] The Lord of the Yadu

[14] The creator

[15] The Internal Witness

[16] He who is present everywhere

[17] He who maintains everything

[18] The destroyer of worlds

[19] The Guardian

[20] The Lord of yajnas

[21] He who takes away sins


This is a section of the book “Harinama Cintamani (English)”.

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