The Eternal Form of Krishna

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The eternal form of Krishna

Krishna-rupa nitya

Krishna and Krishna’s form are identical. His Name and His form are a unique substance. They are never different.

Whoever remembers the Holy Name associates with the form. There is no difference between the Name and the form. They dance on different stages.

The eternity of Krishna’s qualities

Krishna-guna nityatva

Krishna possesses sixty-four qualities which are infinite, boundless. In His avataras these qualities are only partially manifested[1].

Some of these qualities are partially present in Brahma, Siva and other Devata controllers of the universe. Narayana possesses sixty qualities.

All these eternal qualities are constantly present in the Holy Name, and an unlimited number of qualities pervade Vaikuntha.

The eternity of Krishna’s pastimes

Krishna-lilara nityatva

The waves of these qualities spread like the pastimes of the Lord. These perfectly spiritual pastimes manifest in Goloka, Vaikuntha and Vraja.

There is no difference between the spiritual Name, form, qualities and pastimes

Cid-vastute nama, rupa, guna, lila vastu haite prthak naya

When the Name, form, qualities and pastimes of the Lord appear, they are not different from each other[2]. The material attributes of the conditioned Jivas are different[3].

The Names, forms, qualities, and activities of a pure Jiva are the same[4]. But when he takes refuge in matter, they become something else.

There is no trace of matter in Krishna. His Name, form, qualities and pastimes are a unique tattva.


[1] Of these 64, 50 qualities are present in small parts even in the Jivas, while they are fully present in the personality of Krishna. Then there are 5 other qualities that are present in Vishnu and partly in Siva. Then another 5 at the Narayana level. Finally, there are four qualities which are only in Krishna, which are: (1) He is capable of manifesting wonderful pastimes; (2) He is expert in playing the transcendental flute; (3) He is surrounded by loving devotees; (4) He possesses unparalleled personal beauty.

[2] Nama, rupa, guna, lila respectively.

[3] The material attributes of the Jivas are different from the transcendental qualities of the Lord.

[4] The Jiva never has the same qualities as Krishna, but they are the same because they are equally transcendental in nature.


This is a section of the book “Harinama Cintamani (English)”.

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