The First Offense – Criticizing Sadhus
Sadhu-nindai prathama aparadha
Now I will talk about the first offense, criticizing sadhus. With this offense everything is ruined for the Jiva.
Explanation of the two symptoms of a Sadhu: the natural and marginal qualities
Svarupa o tatastha laksana-bhede sadhu laksana-dvaya vicara
O Lord, in the form of Krishna, You have explained to Uddhava the qualities of a sadhu in the Eleventh Canto of the Srimad-Bhagavatam.
He is compassionate, tolerant, impartial, devoid of malice, the very essence of sincerity, pure-hearted, benevolent towards others, not agitated by desires, intelligent, gentle, disinterested in material possessions, polite, clean, disciplined in eating, peaceful in heart, without worldly desires, controlled by the senses, exclusively subservient to Krishna, alert, very sober, victorious over the six impulses, without pride, respectful, knowledgeable, not deceitful, and wise. I declare that I know that the sadhu has all these symptoms.
O Lord, these qualities are of two kinds: svarupa[1] and tatastha[2]. Now I will describe both of them.
Svarupa Laksana is the Chief Quality, and when Tatastha Laksana arises, they take shelter of That
Svarupa-laksanai pradhana laksana, tad-asraye tatastha-lak sana udaya haya
Exclusive surrender to Krishna is the only svarupa-laksana. All other qualities are counted as tatastha-laksana.
When by his good fortune someone gets the company of sadhus and a taste for the Holy Name, he chants Krishna-nama and takes shelter at Krishna’s feet.
This is what svarupa-laksana looks like. From the continuous chanting of the Holy Name, other good qualities come.
All other qualities are counted as tatastha. They will certainly appear in the body of a Vaishnava.
One does not become a Sadhu by the outward signs of Varnasrama and various types of attire – the symptom of a Sadhu is exclusive surrender to Krishna
Varnasrama linga, nana-prakara vesa dvara sadhutva haya na, krsnaika-saranatai sadhura-laksana
Varnasrama consists of various types of clothing and accessories, but these are not counted among the qualities of a sadhu.
The quality of a sadhu is Sri-krishna-saranagati[3]. From his mouth comes Krishna-nama-sankirtana.
Grhi, brahmacari, vanaprastha, and nyasi are the first division of varnasrama. Sudra, vaisya, ksatra and vipra are the second division.
When one has the qualities of a sadhu, one’s position is not determined[4]. The Sastras say that the sadhu is such because of his exclusive surrender to Krishna.
[1] Natural.
[2] Marginal.
[3] Surrender to Sri Krishna.
[4] In other words, the sadhu is not considered part of any varna or asrama.
This is a section of the book “Harinama Cintamani (English)”.
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