Although, Krishna is Bhagavan, although He is atmarama (taking pleasure within) and aptakam (fully satisfied), in this month He became inspired by the beauty of the Vrindavana forest. There, in the middle of the night, He left his home and took shelter of Yogamaya:
drstva kumudvantam akhanda-mandalam
ramananabham nava-kunkumarunam
vanam ca tat-komala-gobhi ranjitam
jagau kalam vama-drsam manoharam
“Lord Krishna saw the unbroken disk of the full moon glowing with the red effulgence of newly applied vermilion, as if it were the face of the goddess of fortune. He also saw the kumuda lotuses opening in response to the moon’s presence and the forest gently illumined by its rays. Thus the Lord began to play sweetly on His flute, attracting the minds of the beautiful-eyed gopis.”
(Srimad-Bhagavatam 10.29.3)
He began to play on His flute, and the flute sound entered the hearts of the Vraja gopis. They became mugdha, completely bewildered and, forgetting everything else, they ran into the forest to meet with Him.
In this month, the gopis who were locked inside their homes were brought to Krishna by a very strong viraha-tap, fire of separation from Krishna. By this viraha-tap, any imperfection in the moods of those who did not yet have sufficient association with the nitya-siddha gopis was completely burned away. By deeply meditating in intense separation they at once met with Krishna in their hearts and embraced Him. These sweet pastimes took place in this month.
This is a section of the book “Vrindavana Lila”.
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