The goal is attentive hearing.

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Chant clearly and try to hear the holy names with attention. Some chanters find that looking at the mantra or a picture of Krishna helps them concentrate. If that works for you, that’s fine. But remember that the goal is attentive hearing.



The Perfection of Mantra Meditation

This verse is from the ‘Bhagavad Gita As It Is’, it describes the perfection one can attain through practising mantra meditation.

“In the stage of perfection called trance, or samadhi, one’s mind is completely restrained from material mental activities by practise of yoga. This perfection is characterised by ones ability to see the self by the pure mind and to relish and rejoice in the self. In that joyous state, one is situated in boundless transcendental happiness, realised through transcendental senses. Established thus, one never departs from the truth, and upon gaining this he thinks there is no greater gain. Being situated in such a position, one is never shaken, even in the midst of greatest difficulty. This indeed is actual freedom from all miseries arising from material contact.” Bhagavad-gita As It Is 6.20-23.

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