The Holy Name is the Eternal Truth

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After paying homage to Tulasi, chant the Hare Krishna mantra on Tulasi beads with sambandha-jnana (knowledge of relationship). There are no strict rules regarding time, place, purity or impurity when chanting Hare Krishna. The holy name is the eternal truth of best omen.

Then chant the following mantra and honor the sri-krishna-caranamrta by drinking it and placing it on the head.


karanam suddha-bhakti-dam

krishna padodakam pitva

sirasa dharayamy aham


After chanting, honor some maha-prasada:

rudanti patakah sarve

nisvasanti muhur muhuh

ha ha krtva palayanti



Then pay full homage with the mantra:

dorbhyam padbhyam ca janubhyam

urasa sirasa drsa

manasa vacasa ceti

pranamo ‘stanga iritah


Thus concludes the rituals for the morning puja.


In the evening chant the mula-mantra, kama-bija and gayatri-mantra twelve times. Never accept food or drink that has not been offered to the Lord.


pathyam putamanamayantamaharyam satvikam viduh

rajasam indriya-prestham tamasam arttido ‘sucih


The vratas of Ekadasi and those of the days of the apparitions of the visnu-tattvas should be observed, as closely as possible according to the Hari-bhakti-vilasa. Never associate with non-devotees except as strictly necessary. Avoiding bad company is one of the main qualities of a Vaisnava.


This is a section of the book “Bhajana Rahasya”, by Bhaktivinode Thakura.

To buy the complete book, click above

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