The Importance of Association

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During this process, if a desire for fame arose due to the company of non-devotees, it would lead to kutinati (diplomacy), which as a result leads to the downfall of the devotee. One should therefore carefully abandon the company of non-devotees and at the same time always chant the name of God in great ecstasy.

The Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu quotes the following verse from the Katyayana-samhita:

varam huta-vaha-jvala-
na sauri-cinta-vimukha-

It is better to be locked up in a cage surrounded by flames and endure such suffering than to associate with those without Krishna consciousness. Such company is a great adversity.

In the Visnu-rahasya it is written:

alinganam varam manye
na sangah salya-yuktanam

It is better to hug a snake, a tiger or an alligator than to be in the company of people who worship various celestial beings and who are animated by material desires.


This is a section of the book “Bhajana-Rahasya”.
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