The Intrinsic Nature of the Holy Name

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The intrinsic nature of the Holy Name

Namera svarupa

Hari Dasa said: Krishna-nama is like cintamani[1], it is beginningless and fully spiritual. Krishna Himself and His Name are one in tattva.

Srinama[2] is the form of pure consciousness. Its nature is that it is always transcendental. The Name and the Named are not different, and it is always transcendentally pure[3].

Although the Holy Name descends into this mundane world in the form of syllables, it remains pure and is the true substance of rasa[4], which is tasted by rasikas[5].

Krishna-vastu[6] is understood through His four natural attributes: namely, His nama, rupa, guna and karma[7] which are all conceived as beginningless.

The Holy Name is eternally perfect

Nama nitya-siddha

Krishna is the eternal principle and the very form of rasa and consequently is free from material dualities. These four attributes by which He is known are all perfect.

These four attributes appear through His sandhini sakti[8]. They are renowned as eternally perfect and always fully spiritual.

Krishna attracts everyone in the universe. The opulence of Krishna-nama is that it also has the same eternal quality[9].


[1] The word cintamani is translated as touchstone, the magic stone that simply touching it satisfies any desire.

[2] The Holy Name.

[3] Nama cintamanih krsnas caitanya-rasa-vigrahah / purnah suddho nitya-mukto ‘bhinnatvan nama-naminoh
The Holy Name of Krishna is transcendentally full of bliss. He bestows all spiritual blessings because He is Krishna Himself, the place where all pleasure is found. Krishna’s Name is complete and is the form of all transcendental sweetness. It is never a material Name, and it is no less powerful than Krishna Himself. Since Krishna’s Name is not contaminated by material qualities, there is no possibility of it becoming involved with maya. The Name of Krishna is always beyond matter and is spiritual; it is never conditioned by the laws of material nature. This is because Krishna’s Name and Krishna Himself are identical. – Padma Purana

[4] Rasa is another of those words that needs many and varied explanations. An initial definition is both a feeling and a transcendental relationship and the emotions that this generates.

[5] Those expert devotees who appreciate transcendental feelings.

[6] Who and how is Krishna, which in this context is the vastu, or parama-vastu, the object we are talking about.

[7] Respectively, the Names, forms, qualities and activities.

[8] Sandhini sakti is its energy of eternal existence.

[9] We have already explained that Krishna and His Names are the same thing, and the latter have the same potencies as Him.


This is a section of the book “Harinama Cintamani (English)”.

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