The Material Forest

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The Material Forest




Jun 28, 2016 — AUSTRALIA (SUN) —


A semi-autobiographical account of entanglement in the material world, based on Srimad Bhagavatam, 5.14: ‘The Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment’.


The Material Forest


(With eternal gratitude to His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada)

Turning blind, I lost my mind, and to the forest path I came
Enter here, a sign said clear, and find yourself some name and fame
Without recourse I ventured forth, into that heady atmosphere
Then lost my way, and went astray, too far gone to ever reappear

But wherever I wandered, I discovered, a use for my ability
The realm so large, seemed to divulge, a livelihood for eternity
I could try, to gratify, in sensually pleasing delightful ways
The forest gave, I took it in, enjoyment both by night and day

With planning and protection, the plunderers are kept at bay
And the eyes and ears and nose and tongue and skin can all have their way
After all, who can deny, the joy the senses try to bring
I took just enough, for myself, and could do most anything

But after countless years, so long, I saw that next to right is wrong
And what had seemed eternal bliss, became austerity on and on
Disturbance circled, all around, like fearsome tigers and snarling jackals
Then I saw, they were no more, than people tying me in shackles

The forest had seemed so opulent, desires all inviting
But as I stopped to play, and turned away, around me coiled creepers tightening
I called for a friend, but in the end, only attracted envious snakes
A friend in need is a friend unwanted, the forest means you give, I take

Then came rats and beasts and vultures, removing all of my possessions
For those who sin, money runs thin, and I entered into grave depression
All this aside, I still tried to maintain my body and construct a home
There are many poorer, and phantasmagoria tells me I am not alone

I was young and would persist, the taste for wealth I could not resist
Though the hold on gold is fleeting, some would say will-o-the-wisp
But with my bride, by my side, a whirlwind that can’t be denied
A Change of fashion, or blinding passion, prejudice allured by pride

I thought I had quite good friends, beyond prestige and pretence
Then when my back was turned, they yearned, to stab in self defence
The trees at least, appeared resplendent, mother nature’s purity
But now I see the majority, are standing cursed, devoid of real piety

I had built a cottage by the river, opulence it did deliver
But as time went by, the river ran dry, just another Indian giver
In the material forest wherever I went, the people formed a government
While ravenous demons feast on flesh, and to the highest posts ascent

I had thought to frolic in the woods, and lounge about on royal lawns
But there were many unseen obstacles, pricking me like thorns
My lovely wife, so young and nice, seemed to be a benediction
Then I saw like flies, a thousand eyes, cursing, causing such restriction

I looked toward the crows and herons, to try and learn some relaxation
But they were insignificant pretenders, natures bogus incarnations
The monkeys seemed to live a life free from prestige and pretending
But like untouchables, only eating, sleeping, mating and defending

My time was spent in such torment, but taste for life was not all spent
Till a fated day, couldn’t get away, I was crushed beneath an elephant
It’s a sad story, but I must declare, the material forest was everywhere
All seemed lost, too high the cost, to ever get away from there

Then I woke up, and looked around, it was just a dream I had discovered
A call, to rise beyond illusion, until my soul is again uncovered
After countless lives, foolish and wise, no longer do I need to roam
In the forest there is a narrow path, that leads me to my real home

Hare Krishna


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