The Name Without Separation is Suddha-Nama

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The fault of interruption or separation

Vyavahita va vyavadhane dose janme

However, vyavahita[1] is an offense. This prevents the awarding of prema.

To consider the Name and the Named to be different is a vyavahita. If this remains there can be no prema.

The two types of separation

Vyavadhana dui prakara

Syllable separation[2] and tattva separation[3] are two types of separation described in the Vedas.

The Mayavada conception of the separation of tattvas regarding the Name

Mayavada-i name tattva-vyavadhana kare

The nefarious Mayavada philosophy believes in the difference of tattvas[4]. This polluted misunderstanding of Kali-yuga is not the verdict of Sastra.

The Name without separation is Suddha-nama

Vyavadhanaviddha nama-i suddha-nama

Therefore, I consider those from whose mouth pure Krishna-nama flows to be Vaishnavas and I happily serve them.


[1] A break in the Name.

[2] Varna-vyavadhana means “separation of syllables”. For example, in the word ‘hathikari’ the first and last syllable form the word ‘hari’ but in the middle there is the word ‘thika’. In this way the Holy Name is obstructed. In the word ‘harama’ there is no separation. In this way the word harama contains a hint of the Name, so it can give liberation.

[3] Tattva-vyavadhana (separation of spiritual truths) is extremely negative. Actually, there is no difference between Krishna-nama and Krishna. Mayavadis who say that Krishna-nama and Brahman are different commit the tattva-vyavadhana offense, which is speculation that destroys everything.

[4] That is, Krishna-tattva and Krishna-nama-tattva are two different things.


This is a section of the book “Harinama Cintamani (English)”.

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