The Pleasure Fatigue


Rādhā-Mādhava opened Their eyes simultaneously and glanced playfully at each other. However, the impulse of desire disrupted Their mutual vision and made Them very unhappy[1].

The Divine Couple’s ankle bells, bangles and other ornaments chimed sweetly and Their limbs shone with attraction. Their faces, surrounded by scattered locks of hair, were illuminated by the splendor of Their necklaces and earrings[2].

Rādhā-Mādhava sat up on the bed. With Their eyes still closed, they moved Their hands about to find Their clothing which had fallen off during the previous night’s love sports. It seemed as if Brahmā had collected all the beauty and opulence of the three worlds in the bodies of the two lovers. Rādhā-Mādhava, with Their languid limbs, disheveled hair and rolling tired eyes, had to lean against each other’s shoulders to keep from falling over[3].

Rādhā interlocked Her fingers, closed Her eyes and raised Her delicate arms above Her head while yawning. Rādhā showed some distress upon noticing the nail marks on Her breasts. Rādhā, fearing that Krishna would scratch Her again, blocked His eager hands, saying, “No, no![4]

Rādhā held the corner of Her fine cloth in Her right hand and covered Her lotus face, which was bathed in the light of Her beautiful teeth. Yawning again while raising Her shoulders slightly, Rādhā hummed a sweet melody while snapping the fingers of Her left hand and jingling Her bracelets. Rādhā rubbed Her body and restlessly moved Her shapely hips. Joining Her hands, Rādhā raised them above Her head. In this way, Rādhikā’s lovely face shone like the moon enclosed in a halo[5].

[1] Kṛṣṇāhnika-kaumudī 1.29

[2] Kṛṣṇāhnika-kaumudī 1.36

[3] Krishna-bhāvanāmṛtam 1.37-38

[4] Alaṅkāra-kaustubhaḥ 5.119

[5] Alaṅkāra-kaustubha 5.120-121


This is a section of the book “Vrindavana Lila”.

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