The Principle Regarding Krishna

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The principle regarding Krishna


Krishna is the sole Controller of everything, possessing independent desires. With His eternal potencies, Krishna is supremely infinite.

Krishna and His potencies

Krishna and krishna-sakti

Krishna’s potencies are never independent of Krishna. The Sakti and Krishna are identical. The mantras of the Vedas explain this point.

Krishna is infinite and His potencies are His manifestations. His manifestations are limitless and Krishna is one.

The three types of manifestations


These abilities cause His creations to come into being. These allow us to perceive Him[1].

O Gauranga-sundara, You have three types of manifestations. The Sastras say that these three are cit, acit and Jiva[2].

Spiritual manifestation


The abodes of Krishna begin with the limitless Vaikuntha planets. His Names begin with Govinda, Sri Krishna and Hari.

His forms begin with two-armed Muralidhara[3]. His wonderful qualities begin with His bestowal of bliss on His devotees[4].

In Vraja there is Rasa Lila and in Navadvipa there is sankirtana. Such activities are considered as wonders of Krishna Lila.

All these spiritual manifestations are transcendental. Even though they can manifest in this material world, they are not material.

All these are essentially visnu-tattva. The Vedas repeatedly refer to them as visnu-pada.


[1] The Jivas confused by Maya can neither perceive nor see the Supreme Lord. But through His creations they can partially feel His presence.

[2] Cid-vaibhava (the spiritual manifestation), acit, also called Maya-vaibhava (the material manifestation), and Jiva-vaibhava (the manifestation of the Jivas).

[3] Holding the flute in his hand.

[4] In the Scriptures we find many descriptions of the ecstasies of pure devotion.


This is a section of the book “Harinama Cintamani (English)”.

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