The qualifications and processes for performing nama-kirtana

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The qualifications and processes for performing nama-kirtana are listed in the Siksastaka (3) as follows:

trnad api sunicena taror iva sahisnuna

amanina manadena kirtaniyah sada harih

The holy names of the Lord are to be chanted in a humble state of mind, considering ourselves inferior to a blade of grass in the street, becoming more tolerant than a tree, devoid of any sense of false prestige, and always ready to offer our respects to others. In this state of mind one can chant the holy names of the Lord constantly.

Oh Svarupa Damodara and Ramananda Raya, hear from Me the symptoms of how one should chant the Hare Krishna maha-mantra in order to awaken sleeping love for Krishna in an easy way in everyone. Although one can be very high, one must feel inferior to the grass on the ground and, like a tree, one must tolerate everything in two ways: when a tree is cut down, it does not protest and even when it dries up it does not ask anyone about water. In addition, the tree makes its fruits, flowers and whatever it possesses available to everyone. It tolerates sweltering heat and torrential rain, and shelters others. Although the Vaisnava is the highest person, he is devoid of pride and respects everyone, knowing that Krishna rests in everyone.


This is a section of the book “Bhajana Rahasya”, by Srila Bhaktivinode Thakura.

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