The Relationship Between Vishnu and Brahma Tattva

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The fallacious arguments and the offense of the Mayavadis

Mayavadira kutarka o aparadha

If duality were introduced, based on the ideology of certain philosophies, then it would be an offense that cannot be taken back.

The Mayavadis say that the Supreme Truth is Brahman, devoid of quality, immutable and formless. The forms and Names of Vishnu are imaginary creations of Maya. With the disappearance of Maya, Vishnu merges into Brahman.

All these are fallacious and false arguments and are sunyavada[1]. To claim that the Supreme Truth is devoid of all potencies is madness.

Brahman is the possessor of all potencies and is Vishnu. The only difference is in His Names. This is the verdict of the Vedas.

The relationship between Vishnu and Brahma Tattva

Vishnu o brahma-tattvera sambandha

Vishnu is the Supreme Reality. He has an intrinsic characteristic without quality and an intrinsic characteristic with quality. Despite this, He remains one[2].

Vishnu’s acintya-sakti[3] dispels all contradictions and easily establishes His beauty.

By nature, the Jiva has low intelligence and cannot understand acintya-sakti.

Wishing to establish the Supreme Controller with their intelligence, they gain only partial knowledge of the lowest conception of Brahman.

If they reject the divine feet of Vishnu and worship the Devas, or if they are attached to Brahman, they will never understand what is beneficial for them and what is not.

One who understands this knowledge of the transcendental nature of the Supreme knows that Vishnu, His Name and His qualities are one.

This is pure transcendental knowledge of the form and inherent nature of Lord Krishna. When one receives the knowledge of Sambandha[4], one worships Him in the form of the Holy Name.

Understanding that Siva and Vishnu are no different

Siva o visnura ki rupe abheda-buddhi karibe

There are differences between material names, forms and qualities. Within cit-tattva[5], there is no difference between these.

To cultivate bheda-jnana[6], regarding visnu-tattva is anartha and an aberration. To consider Siva distinct from Vishnu is a great mistake.


[1] Sunyavada is a Buddhist term. According to the Padma Purana (Uttara-khanda 25.7) the mayavada is actually a cover of Buddhism (pracchanam-bauddham) due to the conclusion that the atma is totally annihilated.

[2] Just like we have our “energies” (talking, listening and so on) but at the same time we are people. There is no difference between what we have and what we are.

[3] Inconceivable power.

[4] One’s relationship with Krishna.

[5] Spiritual reality.

[6] Understanding the differentiation between the Name of the Lord, form, etc.


This is a section of the book “Harinama Cintamani (English)”.

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