The Same Ceremony Was Performed Again and Again and Again

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Gorgeous Worship of Gopala

It is explained that one village after another came each and every day to beg Madhavendra Puri to allot them one day to also perform the Annakuta ceremony. And thus, day after day after day, the same ceremony which we just described was performed again and again and again – of the cooking of wonderful bhoga for the pleasure of Gopal. And Madhavendra Puri, it describes, he did not eat anything through the day but at night after laying down the deity to rest he took a milk preparation. And the next morning again another village came. And each village would come with their entire storehouse of all grains to sacrifice it all for the pleasure of Gopal. The ideal place to execute Krishna Consciousness, Kaviraj Gosvami says is Braja bhumi or Vrindavan, where the people are naturally inclined to love Krishna and Krishna is naturally inclined to love them. And throng of people were coming to see Gopal. And people were coming and bringing beautiful jewels, beautiful garments.


Some people from Mathura, they were more wealthy people; they were bringing all sorts of articles for puja. Countless presentations of gold, silver, scented articles and eatables started to come. And one very rich kshatriya – of the royal order constructed a temple. Someone made cooking utensils, someone constructed boundary walls. Each and every family in Braj bhumi contributed one cow to Gopal. And in this way thousands of cows became property of Gopal. Eventually two Brahmins from Bengal appeared. They were in the renounced order of life. And Madhavendra Puri was very pleased with them. They became very dear to him. So, he initiated them, and he entrusted the charge of the temple to them.


This is a section of the book “Vrindavana Lila”.

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