The Method of Bhajana
Glory to Gadai-Gauranga! Glory to Nityananda! Glory to the Lord of Sita and the devotees of Gaura.
Glories, glories, to the fortunate Mahajanas who renounce everything for the bhajana of Hari-nama.
The Lord said: O Hari Dasa, by your bhakti you have all the knowledge in the world.
I watch the Vedas dancing on your tongue and see how your words are all full of siddhanta.
An inquiry into Nama-rasa
Please clearly describe nama-rasa and how the Jiva can become eligible to experience it.
Feeling much love, Hari Dasa said: Because you command me, I will be able to describe it.
The Science of Rasa
All the Vedas glorify what is called rasa as being of the same spiritual substance as para-tattva, which is the purest truth.
Parabrahma is undivided rasa. He is the abode of limitless bliss, and His glories are the greatest.
He manifests as the sakti[1] and the saktiman[2]. While these are not different, they appear to be different due to visesa[3].
[1] Potency or energy.
[2] The possessor of potencies.
[3] Visesa means difference. In this case there is a functional difference between sakti and saktiman but not in quality because they are of the same substance.
This is a section of the book “Harinama Cintamani (English)”.
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