The Spiritual World of Krishna is Vishnu-tattva

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The Spiritual World of Krishna is Vishnu-tattva and Pure Reality

Krsnera cid-vibhuta-i visnu-tattva suddha-tattva

These spiritual manifestations are not of the nature of matter which is transformed by Maya. Vishnu-tattva is beyond matter and essentially located in suddha-sattva[1].

Suddha-sattva does not even have a whiff of the modes of passion or ignorance. When goodness is mixed with passion or ignorance, it is called misra-sattva[2].

Govinda is Vaikuntha-natha, Karanodakasayi, Garbhodakasayi and Ksirodakasayi Vishnu.

He descends into the svamsa forms[3]. They are all situated in suddha-sattva and are essentially visnu-tattva.

In Goloka, in Vaikuntha, in Karana-sagara[4], as well as in the material world, He is known as Vishnu.

When He enters the material world, He gives orders to Maya. He is known by the name Vishnu. He is infinite and is the Controller of all Devas. He is the Controller of Maya. Maya belongs to Him. The Lord is always in suddha-sattva[5].

Mixed virtue


Brahma, Siva and the Devas are situated in mixed virtue.

The expansion of spiritual potencies

Cid-vaibhavera vistrti

All Visnu-tattva forms and abodes of Vishnu[6] are Your spiritual potencies, O Lord. They are part of your pastimes.

The material potency, Maya-tattva

Acid-vaibhava maya-tattva

After these, on the other side of the Viraja[7], is Your material manifestation, consisting of fourteen planetary systems.

The manifestation of Maya is known as Devi-dhama, which consists of five gross elements and the mind, intelligence and false ego.

This refers to Bhurloka, Bhuvarloka, Svargaloka, Maharloka, Janaloka, Tapoloka, Satyaloka and Brahmaloka.

Below them are Atala, Sutala and others[8]. Please listen to me as I tell you about Your material manifestation, O Lord of the universe.

Your spiritual manifestation is a complete reality. Maya is its shadow. Finite spiritual Jivas[9] are products of spiritual manifestation.


[1] Purely spiritual virtue, that is, not part of the lower nature of Maya.

[2]Misra sattva, mixed virtue. Goodness is of two types, namely, pure goodness (suddha-sattva) and mixed goodness (misra-sattva). All virtuous things present in spiritual manifestations are suddha, too. All those found in the material world are misra, mixed virtues. We will delve deeper into this topic in other publications.

[3] Personal expansions.

[4] Causal Ocean.

[5] When spiritual potency descends into this material world, it does not become material; it remains spiritual.

[6] Vishnu-dhama

[7] Viraja: In his book “The Teachings of Lord Caitanya”, Srila Prabhupada writes: “As stated in the Brahma-samhita (5.43), in the spiritual sky all the Vaikuntha planets (composing Visnuloka) are below the planet known as Krsnaloka, Goloka Vrindavana. On that supreme planet the Lord enjoys His transcendental bliss in manifold forms and all the opulences of the Vaikunthas are fully manifested on that one planet. Like Krishna, His companions are also filled with the six opulences. In the Padma Purana (Uttara-khanda 255.57) it is stated that material energy and spiritual energy are separated by the river Viraja. That river flows from the sweat of the first purusa incarnation. On the other bank of the Viraja is the eternal, limitless and blissful nature, called the spiritual heaven, the spiritual kingdom or the kingdom of God.

[8] Satya-loka, Tapa-loka, Jana-loka, Mahar-loka, Svar-loka, Bhuvar-loka, Bhu-loka, Atala-loka, Vitala-loka, Sutala-loka, Talatala-loka, Mahatala-loka, Rasatala-loka, Patala-loka.

[9] Finite is the opposite of infinite, that is, limited in their capabilities.


This is a section of the book “Harinama Cintamani (English)”.

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