Those Who Are Against Krishna

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Those who are against Krishna


Both the karmis and the jnanis turned their faces away from Krishna. They do not appreciate the pleasure one gets from serving Him.

The sukritis of those who favor Bhakti

Bhaktyunmukhi sukriti

The greatest sukriti[1] is achieved by one who turns his face towards the process of bhakti. As a result, the Jiva obtains the association of sadhus.

One who has sraddha[2] and associates with devotees of Krishna, gains a taste for the Holy Name[3], becomes compassionate towards other Jivas, and walks on the path of bhakti.

Wanting to please the Karmis and Jnanis, the Lord creates an indirect path

Karmi o jnanira prati krpaya gauna-patha vidhana

You are an ocean of mercy and the Lord of Jivas. You want to liberate the karmis and jnanis who have turned their faces away.

You strive to liberate those who travel on the paths of karma and jnana.

Thinking of the benefit of those who tread these paths, You created the indirect path[4].

For the Karmis, the Indirect Path of Bhakti is Mixed with Karma

Karmira pakse karmera gauna-bhakti patha

Remaining in the varnasrama system and maintaining association with the sadhus, the karmis walk on the path of indirect bhakti mixed with karma.

By engaging in various acts of karma, the heart becomes purified. When the impurities have disappeared, the seed of sraddha is planted in the heart.


The indirect path of the Jnani

Jnanira gauna-patha

By the power of the sukriti and the mercy of a devotee, a jnani can easily attain sraddha in exclusive bhakti.

You say: My servant has fallen into the misery of Maya. He rejected Me and now wants more frivolous rewards.

I know what really bodes well for him. I will make him give up sense enjoyment and desire for mukti and give him bhakti.


[1] Sukriti is of three types: karmonmukhi (in the direction of karma), jnanonmukhi (in the direction of jnana), and bhaktyunmukhi (in the direction of bhakti).

[2] Sraddha is one of the most recurring terms in Harinama Cintamani and is dynamic. So, we will give explanations as the meaning changes due to context. In this case it means that he has an intense desire to practice Krishna consciousness.

[3] The transcendental Names of Krishna are innumerable but the most recommended ones for this era are contained in the Maha Mantra: Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare / Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

[4] The varnasrama. By respecting its rules and practices, one comes closer to bhakti.


This is a section of the book “Harinama Cintamani (English)”.

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