Understanding that the Name is the Primary Path

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The indirect path method

Gauna-pathera prakriya

According to his wish, I will guide him on the indirect path of bhakti and then reward him with sraddha.

Compassionate Lord, this happens by Your mercy. Without Your mercy, how will the Jiva purify itself?

The indirect path is difficult in Kali-yuga

Kalite gauna-pathera durdasa

In Satya-yuga many sages practiced dhyana-yoga[1], purified themselves and you granted them the treasure of bhakti.

In Treta-yuga many people purified themselves by practicing yajna, and in Dvapara-yuga they engaged in the path of arcana[2]. You have given them bhakti.

O Lord, when Kali-yuga came, seeing the problematic state of the Jivas, you made them lose all hope about jnana, karma and yoga.

Their lives are short, they suffer many tribulations, and their strength and intelligence diminish. All these ailments devour the Jivas[3].

Varnasrama-dharma, sankhya, yoga and jnana have no power to liberate the Jiva in Kali-yuga.

The indirect path of bhakti, mixed with karma and jnana, becomes a narrow and treacherous path strewn with thorns.

While practicing the path of these types of disciplines, the Jiva encounters many obstacles.

Understanding that the Name is the Primary Path

Namalocanara mukhya-patha

O Prabhu, thinking how to benefit the Jivas, in Kali-yuga You Yourself descended along with the Holy Name.

You have taught that nama-sankirtana[4] is the yuga-dharma. By following this direct path, the Jiva can attain the immense wealth of Krishna-prema.

Only the dharma of remembering the Holy Name and nama-sankirtana can save the Jivas.

Sadhya and Sadhana, and Upaya and Upeya are identical Paths and the Holy Name is Primary

Sadhya-sadhana o upaya upeyera abhedata-krame namera mukhyata

Whatever is sadhya is also sadhana. There is no difference between upaya and upeya[5].

There are no obstacles in this sadhana and sadhya. Due to Your mercy, they are easily given to the Jivas.

I am unhappy and completely absorbed in material pleasure. I have never worshiped Your Name because I am a very big fool.

With tears flowing profusely from his eyes, Brahma Hari Dasa falls sighing at the feet of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.


Those whose only pleasure is bhakti to Hari and His devotees consider Hari-nama Cintamani to be their very life.



iti sri-hari-nama-cintamanau nama-mahatmya-sucanam nama prathamaḥ paricchedaḥ


Here ends the first chapter of the Sri Hari-nama Cintamani entitled

“An introduction to the glories of the Holy Name”.


[1] The yoga of meditation.

[2] Worship of deities.

[3] prayenalpayusah sabhya kalav asmin yuge janah mandah sumanda-matayo manda-bhagya hy upadrutah. O learned man, in this iron age of Kali men have only short lives. They are quarrelsome, lazy, misguided, unlucky and, above all, always disturbed. (Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.1.10)

[4] Public chanting of the Names of Krishna, such as the Hare Krishna Mantra already mentioned.

[5] Sadhya is the object one wants to achieve, while sadhana is the means to obtain it. Since there is no difference between Krishna and His Names, sadhya and sadhana are the same thing.


This is a section of the book “Harinama Cintamani (English)”.

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