वामतः | indecl. | vAmataH | to the left | |
वामतः चल | sent. | vAmataH cala | Keep to the left! | |
गृहस्य वामतः एव सर्वाणिपुष्पसस्यानि आरोपयाम | तदेवसुन्दरं भविष्यति | sent. | gRhasya vAmataH eva sarvANipuSpasasyAni AropayAma | tadevasundaraM bhaviSyati | Let us plant all the flowering plants onthe left-side of the house. That onlywill be beautiful. | |
वामता | f. | vAmatA | contrariety | |
वामता | f. | vAmatA | disfavour | |
वामता | f. | vAmatA | refractoriness | |
वामता | f. | vAmatA | coyness | |
वामतस् | ind. | vAmatas | from or on the left | |
वामतया | adverb | vAmatayA | perversely |
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