Decoration for the forehead
Lalatika is made of flowers of two different colours. It has two parts. One is of red colour. It is fastened at the top of the head and follows the parting of the hair to the forehead. Its flowers are arranged in an artistic way.
An ornament made of only one kind of flower and beautified in the middle by vines and leaves is called graiveyaka. The ornament hangs from the neck in a round fashion like four garlands.
Armlet worn on the upper arm above the elbow
An ornament made by stringing three different coloured flowers together, one by one, into the form of a round creeper is called angada.
Waist belt
An astonishing decoration made of five different kinds of colourful flowers and adorned with small wavy garlands, is called kanci.
These anklets are made by stringing together many kinds of flower buds and stems of fruits or leaves, using a fine stalk as the thread. Many different kinds of anklets can be made.
Mani-bandhani is made with flowers of four different colours. Three flower-strings hang down from it. Mani-bandhani is tied around the wrist.
Ornaments for the feet
It is called hamsaka and it covers the entire top part and side part of the foot. It is beautifully constructed, and small strings made of the buds of the main flowers of the ornament swing from it.
A highly enticing flower decoration skilfully made of six different coloured flowers is called a kanculi. It is scented with fragrance of musk, and it is fastened around the neck with flower strings.
This is a section of the book “Sri Sri Radha Krishna Ganoddesa Dipika”.
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