Vrinda Devi Appeared as Sri Mukunda Dasa

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  1. The vraja-brahmani Nandimukhi Devi appeared as Saranga Thakura.

Some people think that Saranga Thakura was the incarnation of Prahlada Maharaja.

My father (Sivananda Sena) did not agree with them.


  1. Kalakantha Devi and Sukantha Devi, the two Gandharva-dancers who appeared in Vrajabhumi, also appeared as Ramananda Vasu and Satyaraja.


  1. The Vraja Gopi Katyayani Devi appeared as Srikanta Sena.


  1. Vrinda Devi, the presiding deity of Vrajabhumi, appeared as Sri Mukunda dasa, who lived in the village of Srikhanda and was very dear to the Lord.


This is a section of the book “Gaura Ganoddesa Dipika”.

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