What is the nature of bhajana performed under the
complete shelter of the holy names of Hari?
There are many disciplines and processes of worship, but
the process of chanting the holy name is paramount. All the
saintly Vaisnavas since Lord Caitanya have followed the same
singular method of chanting as enunciated by Srila Haridasa
Thakura. Even the ancient Vaisnava sages residing in Vraja-
dhama have chanted in this same manner. The elevated
Vaisnavas residing in Puri, whom we were fortunate to have
seen with our own eyes and who were constantly relishing the
divine nectar of the holy names, are following the same method
of chanting. Both Sanatana Gosvami and Gopala Bhatta
Gosvarm have unequivocally established in the Hari-bhakti-
vilasa that the singular procedure for chanting the holy name
is to chant free of offense, incessantly, and in a secluded spot
away from the tumult of material activities.
(Introduction to Haiinama-cintamani’)
#Bhaktivinoda Thakura
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