When the Mayavadi Abandons His Offense

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Mayavada and Bhakti – How Mayavada philosophy is the opposite of Bhakti and is an offense

Mayavada o bhakti – inhara paraspara viparita dharma mayavada-i aparadha

All Names, forms, qualities, pastimes, etc. of Krishna are considered by the Mayavadis to be false and temporary.

Their opinion is that the principle of prema is not eternal. Therefore, mayavada is the exact opposite of bhakti.

Mayavada is counted among the enemies of bhakti. Thus, the Mayavadis are offenders.

The Holy Name does not come from the mouth of a mayavadi. If a Name were to emerge from him, it would not be the true Holy Name.

If a mayavadi chants the Holy Name thinking that it is temporary, he will fall.

If he prays to the Holy Name for sense enjoyment or liberation, the Holy Name deceives him, and the result is only misery.

When the Mayavadi abandons his offense

Mayavadira aparadha kakhana chade

However, if a mayavadi renounces the desire for sense enjoyment and liberation and chants the Holy Name, then he becomes a Krishna-dasa.

At that time, he rejects the wicked mayavada philosophy and, feeling remorse, becomes a follower of the Holy Name.

In the company of sadhus, he hears and chants constantly, and true sambandha-jnana[1] emerges.

He never tires of the Holy Name and tears will fall from his eyes. Obtaining the mercy of the Holy Name, his heart becomes very strong.


By stating that Bhakti is not eternal, Mayavada is offensive

Bhaktike anitya baliya mayavada aparadha haiyache

The Mayavada states that the form of Krishna and service to Krishna, which is the inherent position of the Jiva, are completely imaginary and temporary.

Therefore, mayavada is among the offenses against the Holy Name. Mayavada is the repository of all kinds of misfortunes.

Through Namabhasa the Mayavadi obtains Sayujya, a Glimmer of Liberation

Mayavadi namabhase muktyabhasa-rupe sayujya labha kare

Like a desire tree, namabhasa gives the mayavadi the liberation of sayujya-nirvana, which is the object of their greed.

When the Holy Name, which contains all potencies, is reflected as pratimbimba-namabhasa, it gives muktyabhasa[2].

Among the five types of mukti, sayujya[3] is an abhasa[4]. It eliminates all suffering but ends up destroying everything.

A Mayavadi never attains eternal bliss

Mayavadi nitya-sukha paya na

Confused by Maya, such people think that they will attain bliss. When they reach sayujya-nirvana, they get only sukhabhasa[5].

Service to Him who is eternal, blissful and full of knowledge is the highest kind of liberation. But this is never achieved by attaining sayujya, where the memory of Krishna is erased.

How can eternal happiness ever be revealed to one who believes that bhakti and prema are transitory?

He who chants Chaya Namabhasa does not follow deviant philosophies, but ultimately attains Suddha-nama

Chaya-namabhasi dusta-mate na pravesa karile krame suddha = nama paiya thakena

One who chants chaya-namabhasa does not accept deviant philosophies. His strong mind is not ruined by invented human theories.

He cannot understand the strength of the Holy Name. It is the very nature of the Name to give knowledge.

When the sunlight is covered by clouds it cannot be viewed. But when the clouds dissipate, the sun appears[6].

When one who chants chaya-namabhasa receives power from a bona fide Guru, after a few days he attains nama-prema without any effort.

Devotees must certainly abandon the company of Mayavadis

Bhaktera mayavadira sanga avasya parityajya

One who carefully avoids the company of mayavadis should render service to those who are attached to Suddha-nama.

O Sri Krishna Caitanya, those Jivas who follow Your instructions are very fortunate.

Those Jivas who do not follow Your instructions are useless and detestable. They cannot achieve liberation even after millions of births.

O Prabhu, with Your protection one can avoid bad company. Without Your lotus feet, I see no other way.


He who takes pleasure in the feet of Hari Dasa, continuously chants this Hari-nama Cintamani.


iti sri-hari-nama-cintamanau

namabhasa-varnanam nama trtiyah paricchedaḥ


Thus ends the third chapter of Sri Hari-nama Cintamani entitled

“A Deliberation on Namabhasa”.


[1] Sambandha-jnana, knowledge of one’s relationship with Krishna.

[2] A glimmer of liberation.

[3] Impersonal liberation

[4] A glimmer.

[5] A glimmer of happiness.

[6] The clouds do not cover the sun, but they cover our vision of it. To see the sun, it is necessary for the clouds to dissipate. When the Holy Name is freed from impurities, then it manifests itself in all its power.


This is a section of the book “Harinama Cintamani (English)”.

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