Why The Living Entity Gets Angry When Corrected

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Why the living entity gets angry when corrected


Because it’s convinced to be perfect, when somebody reminds it that it is not perfect, it gets irascible.


Why in the jiva there is forgetfulness


In the material world forgetfulness is a protection for the person, to protect his mental sanity.

There is also in the spiritual world a type of forgetfulness, but it’s a different kind. It facilitates lilas, transcendental pastimes.


The jiva and the Maha-mantra Hare Krishna


Why does Bhaktivinode Thakura say that in this world there are only two things, the jiva and the Maha-mantra Hare Krishna?

The answer is, the vision of the pure devotee is that in this world nothing has any importance except Krishna consciousness.


This is a section of the book “Brilliant as the Sun”.

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