Lautha Baba
Lautha Baba is one of Krishna’s cowherd boy friends.
One day, he cooked a nice meal for Krishna and Balarama.
Suddenly, Krishna passed by on Akrura’s chariot heading to Mathura.
Lautha invited Krishna and Balarama for this meal, but Krishna replied,
“I am just now coming,”
and with the promise that He would return the very next day, He continued on to Mathura.
Since that time Lautha Baba has been sitting in this very same spot facing the road eagerly waiting for Krishna and Balarama to return.
He has not eaten anything as he waits for Krishna.
The Deity looks like Hanuman at first glance and in fact Lautha Baba is considered non-different from Hanuman.
We can see how he looks very expectant: “When will Krishna come?”
The temple of Lautha Baba, which is the place where this happened, is near to Punchari, Govardhana.
This is a section of the book “Vrindavana Lila”.
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