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La Quinta Nota (Libro en Espanol)


La Quinta Nota es un tipo de literatura llamada sangraha o colección de escritos compuestos de artículos y respuestas a consultas que recibo constantemente en varios idiomas. Además, hay cientos de... Read More

Tell the truth, the whole truth…


  One important requirement to gaining the Lord’s mercy is to reveal to Them all the dirty and bad things that you have done in your life. An example may be... Read More

Kunti va a trovare Karna


     Nella casa di Vidura non si riusciva a parlare d’altro: da ore il mahatma discorreva con Kunti, esternandole l’immenso dolore che quella situazione gli procurava.  “La notte non riesco... Read More



Bhurisrava Satyaki, fatigued after fighting alongside Arjuna, was confronted by Bhurisrava. There was no good blood between the two due to a family rivalry that dated back many years, when Satyaki’s... Read More