Articles w-W
- Walking in Varsana – 1
- Was Arjuna really the son of Indra?
- Was Arjuna undefeated?
- Was Shani captivated by Ravana?
- Was the Mahabharata real or just a story?
- Watering the roots of a tree gives energy to the whole tree
- Ways of Serving the Guru
- We and Politicians
- We are eternal
- We are eternal
- We Are Eternal
- We are not proprietor. We have got the right to use them, the things which are given by God to us
- We Are Talking About Genuine Authority
- We can take part in politics only which is sanctioned by Krishna
- We do not change Bhagavad-gita
- We Have Accepted Krsna, Who Will Not Cheat
- We have lost our faith in the traditional Vedic knowledge
- We Have to Tolerate and Become Merciful
- We Must All Become Ideal in Character
- We Need Never Become Hopeless
- We Shall Call Our Society ISKCON
- We should pay close attention to the welfare of others and ourselves
- We will spontaneously chant the Holy Names of the Supreme Lord together
- We Won’t Find Our Identity… Until We Have Vrindavan
- We’ll never die again!
- We’ll never die again!
- Well, Mother, Are You Telling Me the Truth?
- Were we not favored by His Divine Grace Śrīmad Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī Gosvāmī Mahārāja
- What a saint learned from a prostitute By Chaitanya Charan das
- What and what not
- What apsaras do in the heavenly planets?
- What are a cheater’s characteristics? Should devotees publicly expose them for the benefit of themselves and others?
- What are the aims of education in the Vedic period?
- What are the Antimaterial Worlds? By His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
- What are the duties for a man who wants to be happy in this world and in the next?
- What are the duties for a man who wants to be happy in this world and in the next?
- What are the duties for a man who wants to be happy in this world and in the next?
- What are the primary symptoms of devotional service?
- What are the six characteristics of pure devotional service?
- What are the symptoms of pure devotional service?
- What are the two colors of devotional service?
- What arrangements are safest regarding where men and women practitioners can worship?
- What conceptions, those engaged in chanting the holy names, have regarding items favorable and unfavorable to devotional service?
- What devotee can say otherwise?
- What do exalted devotees conceptualize when they think of things that are favorable for devotional service?
- What do the Vedas say about child custody?
- What do the Vedas say about the Vedas?
- What do we love about Krishna?
- What does it avail him if he is not Kṛṣṇa conscious?
- What does it mean to chant constantly?
- What does it mean when HDGSP says ” we should not UNDERSTAND THE MEANING OF SANKIRTAN NARROWLY
- What exactly does it feel like to attain liberation by entering Goloka? What happens when we see Krishna?
- What happened to Ekalavya
- What happened to Kaikeyi after Ramayana?
- What happened to Subhadra after her birth?
- What happens if Asthi Visarjan is not done?
- What if the World Stops Existing?
- What India (Bharat-varsa) really looked like in 1945 without the “bogus territories” called Pakistan and Bangladesh.
- What is ”OFFICIAL JAPA”??
- What is a dimension?
- What is a Dimension?
- What is a dimension? PRIVATE ROOM
- What is Annaprasana Puja?
- What Is Balaram’s Age?
- What is consciousness?
- What is considered a favorable or unfavorable asrama for worshiping the Supreme Lord?
- What is Fault Finding?
- What is karma
- What is Mayavada, the philosophy of illusion
- What is mental speculation?
- What is Mental Speculation?
- What is most favorable for devotional service? – Bhaktivinoda Thakura
- What is Pradhana?
- What is pure love?
- What is Pure Love?
- What is Samadhi
- What is seva?
- What is that pillar?
- What is the ”transcendental sporting” between Krsna and His Devotee??….
- What is the Aranyaka portion of the Vedas?
- What is the definition of modern civilization?
- What is the devotee’s resolve regarding items favorable to his devotional service? – Bhaktivinoda Thakura
- What is the difference between First Initiation and Second Initiation??? Srila Prabhupada answers
- What is the difference between First Initiation and Second Initiation???–Srila Prabhupada answers–
- What is the difference between home worship and temple worship?
- What is the difference between karma and service to Hari?
- What is the difference between the activities of devotees and karmis?
- What is the difference between Vaisnava society and non-Vaisnava society?
- What is the difference between Viveka and Buddhi Yoga?
- What is the Difficulty?
- What is the indirect or secondary process of devotional service?
- What is the matter with the world
- What is the mature stage of pure knowledge?
- What is the meaning of “sa vai pumsam adhoksaje”
- What Is the Meaning of the Word Ki?
- What is the meaning of the word sabhyata, civilization?
- What is the Most Severe Nama-aparadha?
- What is the Mystery of This Situation?
- What is the Nature of a Devotee?
- What is the nature of bhajana performed under the complete shelter of the holy names of Hari?
- What is the only religion free from all cheating propensities?
- What is the path of the mahajanas?
- What is the previous mahajanas’ path of bhajana?
- What is the proper profession for renunciants and householders?
- What is the purpose of sankirtana
- What is the relationship between Rig Veda, Sama Veda and Yajur Veda?
- What is the relationship between Vaisnava dharma and other religious systems?
- What is the ritvik philosophy and why is it wrong?
- What is the root of a devotee’s qualification?
- What is the science of Abhidheya
- What is the Vedic response to Covid 19?
- What is Vaishnava Aparadha?
- What is Vaisnava religion?
- What is your opinion on this video? Is Gurvastakam only for Prabhupada?
- What is yukta-vairagya?
- What kind of faith is favorable for devotional service?
- What kind of family life is favorable for a householder’s devotional service?
- What kind of guru is fit to be rejected? – Bhaktivinoda Thakura
- What kind of karma does the Bhagavad-gitd recommend we practice?
- What kind of social etiquette would benefit India? Is it proper to work for quick social reform?
- What kind of social system was followed before the excellent improvement of the varnasrama system?
- What kind of war do religious scriptures approve?
- What path should a living entity follow until his spiritual propensities are awakened?
- What Prabhupada said of a woman without a husband.
- What Prabhupada Wants
- What process should a practitioner who is full of anarthas follow in the course of chanting the holy names?
- What qualification should a chanter of Hari’s holy names possess?
- What Rāmānuja said about Buddha?
- What religion in this world will become the goal of all religion?
- What rules should be followed if we wish to revive India’s varnasrama system?
- What Should one do if one has Offended a Sadhu?
- What technically happens during initiation?
- What the Vedas teach? Can anyone give a brief description about the Vedas?
- What the word “dimension” means? There are four dimensions?
- What the word Gayatri means?
- What type of fasting should we do in Rama Navami?
- What Vedas Say About The Holiness And Sacredness Of Cow
- What was the age of Lord Krishna at time of his death?
- What was the age of Lord Krishna at time of his death?
- What was the Live Books project?
- What We Should and What We Should Not Do
- What will happen to the world and people at the end of Kali yuga? Kaliyuga PART II Video
- What will help us remain steady – answering questions
- What you get if you subscribe to Isvara Archive
- Whatsapp message 22-01-19
- When a devotee becomes like a person haunted by a ghost
- When a disciple behaves disrespectfully
- When can one attain pure devotional service?
- When did Parasurama appear?
- When does a living entity become qualified to see the Lord’s abode?
- When Helping Others Is Compassion and When It Isn’t …
- When I initiated you, I accepted you on that very moment as my daughter
- When I was alone in your New York, by Srila Prabhupada
- When Mick Jagger helped the devotees
- When Radha Kunda actually appeared?
- When Sanskrit was born?
- When the chanting is performed offenselessly
- When the Mayavadi Abandons His Offense
- When the rising sun appeared in the East, the jewel of the twice-born, Lord Gaurasundara, awakened
- When was nama-sankirtana first preached in Calcutta?
- When you hear a bad word spoken about a particular devotee
- Where are the original manuscripts of Vyasadeva?
- Where are the original vedas kept ?
- Where Are Your Eyes?
- Where is the word ‘Veda’ written in the Vedas?
- Which brahmanas are qualified to study which Vedas?
- Which devotional service is the eternal constitutional duty of a living entity?
- Which jnana is desirable and which abominable?
- Which Vedic verses describe Brahman as stated by Adi Shankara?
- Which war was more destructive, the Ramayana War or the Mahabharata War?
- While the queens were lamenting for the dead body of the King
- Who are the Mahajanas?
- Who are the Mayavadis?
- Who are your parents?
- Who chants Hare Krishna mantra…….
- Who Do We Want to Please?
- Who Gave Initiation to Aksobhya?
- Who is a Suta
- Who is Abhimanyu
- Who is Crazy?, By His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
- Who Is Ekadashi? How Did Ekadshi Come Into Existence?
- Who is Guru ?
- Who is Krishna – Prabhupada Video
- Who is Krishna?
- Who is Manonatha Dasa?
- Who is playing that flute?
- Who is qualified to attain the Lord’s mercy?
- Who is Radha’s sister?
- Who is Sri Syamananda Prabhu
- Who is Srila Prabhupada?
- Who is Srimati Radharani
- Who is the demon Madhu?
- Who is the highest ranked warrior killed by Nakula and Sahadeva during the Mahabharata war?
- Who is the seer? And who is the seen?
- Who is the seer? And who is the seen?
- Who is this young girl?
- Who is to blame? – and about upadhis
- Who is Urmila?
- Who Kills Insignificant Creatures God Punishes by Putting them into Hell Andhakupa
- Who warned Kamsa and why?
- Who Was Madhavendra Puri’s Master, and How Did They Meet?
- Who was Mira Bai in her previous birth?
- Who was Radha’s husband? Why did Radha marry Abhimanyu?
- Who was Shankhachuda?
- Who was the most aged warrior in the Mahabharata?
- Who was the spiritual master of Madhavendra Puri and how they met?
- Who were the wives of Pandu in their previous life?
- Who wrote the second Panama mantra for Srila Prabhupada?
- Whoever Has Darsana of this Deity with Devotion Shall Obtain Prema Bhakti
- Whose incarnation was Subhadra?
- Why 16 rounds and not another number?
- Why 16 rounds and not another number?
- Why 16 Rounds and Not Another Number?
- Why and How was sukracharya became the Guru of Asuras?
- Why are Women forbidden from doing Ashtanga Pranama?
- Why Are You Not Leaving This Virtuous Girl?
- Why ask Narasimha for help and not Krishna directly?
- Why did Balarama favor Duryodhana?
- Why did Lord Rama choose Angada instead of Hanuman to face Ravana
- Why did Lord Rama himself break the bridge to Lanka?
- Why did Lord Ramachandra Pray to Lord Siva as being God?
- Why different sampradayas (or parampara) and why they do not mix?
- Why do I need a Diksa Guru if I can have many Siksa Gurus?
- Why do people shout in anger shout at each other?
- Why do people shout in anger shout at each other?
- Why do terrible things happen in Vrindavana?
- Why Do Terrible Things Happen in Vrndavana?
- Why do terrible things happen in Vrndavana? Like a lady devotee raped …
- Why do we consider bhagavata-dharma eternal while considering all other dharmas temporary?
- Why do we say that there is good thing and bad thing in the world?
- Why do we worship deities? Are they not statues?
- Why doesn’t one achieve any result even after performing thousands of acts of sadhana
- Why don’t we hold festivals for Lord Buddha?
- Why don’t I appreciate the devotees enough?
- Why don’t I appreciate the devotees enough?
- Why Don’t I Appreciate the Devotees Enough?
- Why Hitler Considered Himself a Good Person
- Why in the jiva there is forgetfulness
- Why Indra has thousand eyes all over his body
- Why is Bhima considered the strongest warrior of the Mahabharata?
- Why is Candra Sarovara Famous?
- Why is devotional service to Hari considered secret or confidential?
- Why is discussing the Absolute Truth favorable for strengthening one’s devotional service? What is the definition of persons indifferent to discussing the Absolute Truth?
- Why is honoring tulasi leaves, sandalwood pulp, and other items that have been offered to the Lord favorable to devotional service?
- Why is Mother Yasoda more fortunate than Mother Devaki?
- Why is necessary to read a description of Jambudvipa?
- Why is nondevotee association totally fit to be rejected?
- Why is poverty helpful for a devotee’s execution of devotional service?
- Why is so important to fast on Narasimha Caturdasi?
- Why is to forgive so glorious?
- Why Krishna had thousand of wives?
- Why Krishna wears a peacock feather?
- Why Krsna Comes to This World
- Why Lord Vishnu sleeps for 4 months?
- WHy no AdvAncement?
- Why should the varnasrama system be appreciated?
- Why should we avoid Onion and Garlic?
- Why so-called advanced devotees are sometimes rude?
- Why sometimes we fast in Dvadasi and not in Ekadasi
- Why sometimes we fast in Dvadasi and not in Ekadasi
- Why Sometimes We Fast in Dvadasi and Not in Ekadasi
- Why Sometimes We Fast in Dvadasi and Not in Ekadasi
- Why Sri Ramacandra broke Siva’s bow?
- Why Srila Prabhupada said that women are less intelligent?
- Why stepping over somebody is bad
- Why the Devas are called Sura and the demons Asura?
- Why the living entity gets angry when corrected
- Why The Living Entity Gets Angry When Corrected
- Why the living entity gets angry when corrected?
- Why the Pandavas had to suffer?
- Why the Vrajavasi wanted to worship Indra
- Why was Arjuna excluded from the boon?
- Why was Dushhasan not thrown or punished by Draupadi
- Why was Radharani married to Abhimanyu, if she loved Lord Krishna?
- Why Wasn’t The Journey Within Banned?
- Why We Should Not Eat Onion and Garlic Amarendra Das
- Why we should not sing the Maha Mantra after singing to Lord Nrsimha
- Why We Should Not Sing the Maha Mantra After Singing to Lord Nrsimha
- Why would Krishna not give mercy to someone struggling in bhakti-yoga?
- Why would Krsna not give mercy to someone struggling in bhakti-yoga?
- Why Would Krsna Not Give Mercy to Someone Struggling in Bhakti-Yoga?
- Witches, ghosts and dangerous calamities, by Srila Prabhupada
- With Chanting, the Heart is Bathed in Transcendental Happiness
- With Krishna Consciousness, Everyone’s Total Benefit is Taken Care Of
- With the Promise That He Would Return the Very Next Day
- With what mental attitude should we chant the rounds?
- With What Mental Attitude Should We Chant the Rounds?
- Without His sanction not a blade of grass can move
- Wives of Dasaratha’s sons
- Women are not their bodies
- Women doing full dandavats
- Women have the right to be initiated, by Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Prabhupada
- Women: Masters or Mothers?
- Wonderful Krishna
- Words of Transcendence, by Radhanatha Swami
- Words of wisdom from Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura
- Words of wisdom from Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura
- Words On Vedanta, by Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura
- Worship of the Guru
- Worshipping Govardhana Hill
- Wrestling arena of Kamsa
- Writing is remembering