The offense of considering the Devas as independent
Devantare svatantrya-jnanaparadha
Those who see any difference between the auspicious Lord Vishnu and any of His Names, qualities and so on, are certainly offenders of the Name of Hari.
Glories to Mahaprabhu, the life of Gadadhara! Glory to Nityananda, the life of Jahnava Devi! Glory to Sita’s husband! Glory to the devotees of Gaura!
Then, clasping his hands, Hari Dasa said: O Lord of the universe, please listen to the second offense.
The truth about Vishnu
Vishnu is the Supreme non-dual knowledge and the Absolute Truth. The form of the Lord of the Universe is transcendental, and He is eternally situated in the state of suddha-sattva[1].
Krishna, who plays in Goloka, is the essence of reality. Decorated with sixty-four qualities, He is the basis of rasa.
Sixty of these qualities are manifested in the form of Narayana, and these sixty qualities are also, to some extent, in the pastimes of Vishnu.
These sixty qualities are visible in the purusavatara and the svamsavatara according to their activities[2].
The different Vibhinnamsa expansions of Vishnu and the fifty qualities possessed by the Jiva
Visnura vibhinnamsera prakara bheda, jivera pancasat-guna
Vishnu’s vibhinnamsas are of two types. Fifty qualities are found in the Jivas in a format similar to tiny droplets[3].
Siva and other Devas are also Vibhinnamsa, but they are not ordinary Jivas since they possess fifty-five qualities
Girisadi devata vibhinnamsa haiyao samanya Jiva nan tanhara pancasat-guna-visista
Furthermore, five other qualities are partially manifested, and these are also wonderfully present within them[4].
[1] Pure virtue.
[2] Vishnu, or Narayana, is the Lord of Vaikuntha and is the vilasa-vigraha (pastime form of Krishna), the Lord of Goloka. This Vishnu is Maha-Vishnu, the first of the three purusavataras. He expands into another form and enters every universe and is known as Garbhodakasayi. He then expands into the third Purusa, known as Ksirodakasayi which enters the heart of every Jiva. From the latter come the svamsavataras, such as Matsya, Kurma etc. All these Visnu-tattvas possess sixty out of the full sixty-four qualities of Krishna. The Saktyavesavataras such as Parasurama, Buddha and Prthu are all vibhinnamsa, or separate expansions.
[3] Svamsas are personal expansions of Lord Krishna similar to His original form but with some bodily differences, like Lord Balarama. The word vibhinnamsa instead refers to the Jivas.
[4] Compared to the Jivas, Siva and other Devas have five more qualities but in partial form. All these are complete only in Vishnu.
This is a section of the book “Harinama Cintamani (English)”.
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