The two types of bad association – Inappropriate association with women
Asat-sanga dui prakara – stri-sangi
The conduct of a Vaishnava is to always avoid bad company. By bad association one actually shows contempt for sadhus.
The Sastras say that bad association is of two kinds. Of the two, one of them is inappropriate association with women.
Being in the company of a man who is too attached to women is also considered bad company. A Jiva who avoids such company is fortunate.
Who is attached to women?
Yosit-sangi kahake bale?
A married husband and wife can remain together in a Krishna-centered family. The Sastras do not say that this is immoral.
That corrupt person who engages in illicit sex and is mentally infatuated with women is a yosit-sangi[1]. This is the opinion of Sastra.
The Second Type of Bad Associations – Those who are not devotees of Krishna are of three types
Dvitiya prakara asat – krsnete abhakta tina prakara
The second type of bad company is the abhakta, one who is not a devotee of Krishna. It includes mayavadi, dharma-dhvaji[2] and atheists.
Those who declare that the condemnation of all these people is an insult to the Sadhus must also be rejected
Yini balena, ei saba lokera nindake-o sadhu-ninda bale, tini-o varjya
Renouncing the association of such people is not an offense to sadhus. Anyone who claims that this is an offense is useless!
Anyone who shuns these types of people but takes exclusive shelter of the Lord and no one else, and chants Krishna-nama[3], attains the great wealth of Krishna-prema.
[1] One who is attached to women.
[2] Religious hypocrites who wrap themselves in the banner of religion.
[3] Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare / Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
This is a section of the book “Harinama Cintamani (English)”.
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